Floor installation housing
Floor installation housing
Product is usually mounted on the wall by the floor. When installing dimmers, the bottom of the housing need to be opened and further space is needed behind, a.g. flush mounting box. The lower part of the device housing can be used as a junction box, max 5 terminals.

Surface mount.box
Surface mounting box, Jussi, 85mm, 1-gang, lath installation, white
Type: 2511L GTIN: 6438199004907 Product ID: 2TKA00003273

Floor installation box
Floor installation box, Jussi, for 1-gang devices
Type: 2551L-212 GTIN: 6410014027513 Product ID: 2TKA000865G1

Floor installation box
Floor installation box, Jussi, for 2-gang socket outlets
Type: 2552L-212 GTIN: 6410014027520 Product ID: 2TKA000868G1